When you order a Shelby Signature Series e-bike, you can select 'Ready to Ride' at check out. We then ship your fully assembled e-bike with our network of vans and trucks to be delivered directly to your doorstep. Your e-bike will arrive fully charged and ready to ride. All you have to do is jump on and enjoy! Alternatively save on our DIY price and spend less then 20 mins to unbox and with minimal effort and adjustments (tools & detailed Instructions supplied) you will be Ready to Ride!
Riding Redefined
Experience the perfect blend of style and performance
Shelby American
Recreation has a new meaning...
Our e-bikes are designed to capture the essence of the Carroll Shelby Brand while offering exceptional performance and comfort.
Thank you for the quick delivery and I loved the VIP Ready to Ride Service. It gave me piece of mind that everything was ready to go!
Eddie A. CA, USA
Customer Feedback - Email
It's not just a cool-looking bike, but also a reliable and durable mode of transportation. I highly recommend the Shelby e-bike to anyone looking for a stylish and functional ride.
Tim G. Sydney Australia
Customer Feedback - Email
The Shelby e-bike has become my go-to choice for weekend adventures, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a fun and reliable way to get around!
Dean M. Gold Coast, Australia
Customer Feedback - Email